Managing Devices

This section details how devices are managed in BlueForest.

Adding a device

Head to the Devices page from the navigation menu, which lists all the devices of the tenant. Then click on the Add button on the top.

List of devices

You should land on the following form:

Device form

First choose a name for your device. It should help identify the device easily. Then select the model. If the model is not present in the list, you may select the Add... option to add a new one.

You may now provide the main identifier of your device. Most devices will likely have only one identifier, thus filling this part should be straightforward. However, some devices might have multiple identifiers. In that case, always choose the most representative and used identifier as the main one.

You may add as many identifiers as you want by cliking on the + button.

When you’re finished, click Submit and your device should now appear in the list.

Viewing a device

Device details can be viewed by clicking on a device’s entry in the Devices page. They include the device’s name, model, and identifiers.

Editing and deleting devices

In the list of devices, an Edit and a Delete button are available for each item. Clicking Edit will redirect you to the same form that you used for adding a device.

Warning! When a device is deleted, so are its associated tokens. Its data will not be saved nor processed anymore.

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